12 years old. My house. A family friend.

“12 years old. My house. A family friend.”

Memento is a diptych portrait series on the #MeToo movement that I began work on in October 2017. I wanted specifically to focus on the millions of stories of sexual misconduct that go unreported and unnoticed by the media, including my own. The first image within each diptych is a current portrait of a survivor, and the second image is of the survivor holding a photograph of themselves at the age when they can first remember being harassed or assaulted.

The definition of the word “memento” is “an object kept as a reminder or souvenir of a person or event.” Coincidentally, the word has “men” at its center, with “me” and “to” framing it.

Published by Vox in October 2018. Additional press coverage is linked below.

Memento press:

Awarded the Jacob Johnson Memorial Grant in January 2018. Written up in the Philadelphia Inquirer in October 2018. Exhibited at Drexel University and the University of the Arts in April 2019. Exhibiting internationally in The Fence from June 2019—June 2020. Exhibited in Photoville in September 2019 and at Aperture Gallery in January 2020.